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How to Survive Being a Middle School Girl: Parent Edition

Ah, the days of middle school—can you recall? For some, it may feel like it was just yesterday, navigating the hallways and classrooms, taking steps toward adulthood. For others, it may seem like a lifetime ago. Regardless of how distant these memories are, it's widely recognized that middle school can be a challenging period. As parents, it's vital to guide our daughters through these difficulties by providing them with the necessary support and direction for their success. In this article, we will explore some of the concerns that middle schoolers might face and offer potential solutions. Keep reading to learn more.

Social Media:

Social media can be a double-edged sword for today's youth. On one hand, it offers connectivity, self-expression, and knowledge sharing. On the other hand, it can pose risks such as feelings of inadequacy, body image issues, cyberbullying, and unrealistic peer comparisons. Exploring social media intricacies can enlighten middle schoolers about digital reality distortion. Essential steps include educating tweens on on the following biases they most likely aren’t aware of:

  1. Confirmation Bias - Online content curation reinforces existing beliefs, leading to selective interpretation and memory of confirming information and dismissal of opposing views.Social media's personalized algorithms worsen this bias, restricting exposure to diverse perspectives.

  1. Selection Bias -Social media can pose a significant challenge to middle school girls due to selection bias. The nature of social media platforms allow users to develop their online experiences by choosing who to follow and what content to engage with. This can be dangerous. It is easy to get caught up in the mindset of “oh my gosh everyone is perfect and beautiful” not realizing they’re only following and interacting with posts that contain people they perceive as perfect and beautiful.

  1. Survivor Bias- The phenomenon of survivor bias in social media is a worrying issue, especially for young girls in middle school.This bias occurs when only the successes or positive outcomes are highlighted, while the failures or negative experiences are completely absent. In the context of social media, this bias often manifests in curated profiles and posts showcasing only the best part of one’s life. For middle schoolers, this can create an unrealistic and unattainable standard of success and happiness.

Peer Pressure:

In middle school, peer pressure intensifies as girls strive for social acceptance. Peer pressure includes not only being forced into risky behaviors, but also conforming to societal norms or trends. Encourage open communication with your daughter to empower her to make informed choices and protect her well-being.

Body Image Concerns:

During puberty, many changes occur rapidly, often causing girls to grapple with body image struggles during this pivotal period of self-discovery. These struggles encompass both physical and emotional dimensions. Emotionally, the desire for peer acceptance can intensify concerns about appearance. This heightened focus on looks can lead to issues like low self-esteem and anxiety as they strive to attain an idealized image. As parents, it is important to emphasize that beauty comes in diverse forms and that media portrayal often does not reflect reality. This can help promote self-acceptance and encourage valuing oneself based on character, talents, and accomplishments rather than appearance alone.

Friendship Drama:

Girls often form close-knit friendships during this time, but these relationships can be marked by sensitivity, fluctuating emotions, and evolving social hierarchies. This can make them more susceptible to jealousy, gossip, and exclusions, all of which contribute to drama. To combat some of these concerns, teach your daughter the importance of healthy boundaries, empathy, and effective communication within relationships. Encourage her to choose friends who bring out the best in each other and promote self-esteem rather than engage in toxic friendships based on popularity or exclusivity.


Raising middle schoolers presents its fair share of challenges, yet it also offers remarkable rewards when approached with thoughtful strategies and a strong support system. Nurturing open lines of communication, encouraging self-assurance, and equipping our daughters with effective coping skills can empower them to navigate this complex stage of development with confidence. It is important for them to know they have parents who support them. Makes all the difference as they encounter both trials and triumphs along the way.

If you are considering therapy for your teen or tween, contact us today for a complimentary 15 minute consultation.



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Individual and Group Psychotherapy for teens, tweens and adults. Couples Counseling, Family Therapy, Pregnancy and Postpartum support, Parent Coaching and Mental Health Services serving, Rockville, Maryland 20850, Potomac, Maryland 20854,  Bethesda, Maryland 20814 and 20817, North Bethesda 20852, North Potomac, MD and Washington, DC. In Person and Virtual counseling sessions.

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