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Is Your Family Life in Chaos? 

Do you find that you avoid going home due to the tension and frustration you feel there? Are you feeling disrespected, invalidated, disconnected, and disregarded at home? Do you ever wish you could do a real-life "Freaky Friday" and change places with your family members so they can truly understand what you are feeling from your perspective?


Living with multiple personalities under one roof can be challenging. Everyone has their own wants, needs, and desires which can be in conflict with one another.  Oftentimes, when one family member is feeling stress or pressure, it impacts every member of the family. Fortunately, families can learn to "ride the waves of life" more effectively with support. 

Doomed to Recreate the Past?

It's common for parents to replicate learned patterns that they grew up with, even if they promised themselves they would not repeat negative patterns. We carry with us what we learned and our brains unknowingly "default" to what is familiar and comfortable for us. It's up to us to identify what we want our new family unit to look like and take steps to meet that desired outcome.


Our therapists aim to collaborate with all family members to ensure that everyone is heard, validated, and understood. Our goal is to assist your family in re-establishing connections and creating stronger bonds. Family therapy is a valuable tool for resolving conflicts and enhancing communication within families, leading to more harmonious relationships and a peaceful home environment.


​Family therapy can benefit anyone who is experiencing difficulties within their family dynamic. This can include concerns such as communication problems, conflicts, behavioral issues, and mental health concerns.  Family therapy can help to bring more cohesion to the family unit. 

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Can Family Therapy Really Help?


Our therapists aim to collaborate with all family members to ensure that everyone is heard and understood. Our goal is to assist your family in re-establishing connections and creating stronger bonds. Family therapy is a valuable tool for resolving conflicts and enhancing communication within families, leading to more harmonious relationships and a peaceful home environment.


​Our trained psychotherapists pull from Structural Family Therapy, Family Systems Theory and other evidence based practices to address concerns such as communication problems, conflicts, behavioral issues, and big emotion moments. Our clients express that their families are able to make necessary changes in their homes with support which have been effective in facilitating improved family life overall.  Many teens we work with request family therapy so that they have space to address their concerns in a calm, safe environment. 

A Happier Home

Whether you live in one home or two, our therapists want to help restore harmony to your family. We work actively to help establish objectives and ensure that all family members feel heard and valued. 

But We are Already in Individual Therapy... 

Family therapy can be a valuable addition to individual psychotherapy. While individual therapy focuses on the personal experiences and emotions of the client, family therapy can help to address the dynamics and communication patterns within the family unit. By involving all family members in the therapeutic process, clients can gain a deeper understanding of how their relationships and interactions with others impact their mental health. Family can also provide a supportive environment for clients to practice new communication and coping skills with their loved ones. Overall, the combination of individual and family therapy can lead to more comprehensive and effective treatment outcomes.


We are happy to coordinate and collaborate with individual therapists seeing all family members to ensure continuity of care.  This is often best facilitated by speaking with other clinicians (within our outside of our practice) to reinforce what is being learned and is carrying over from session to session. 


Working with Families with Adult Children

As an adult, it's not too late to work through and process concerns regarding your childhood and improve your relationship with your older parents. Family therapy can be an effective tool for improving communication and resolving old conflicts.  By bringing everyone together later in life, a supportive, skilled family therapist can help family members explore their individual roles and patterns that may have been causing problems and develop new strategies of interacting with one another. Whether you're dealing with problems related to aging parents, past trauma, health challenges, financial stress, or simply to navigate the changes that come as roles change, family therapy can provide a valuable space growth and healing.

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